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Opening Text Tips and Tricks
Opening Text Tips and Tricks

Some of our favorite tips and tricks for your workflow opening text!

Jessica Sherwood avatar
Written by Jessica Sherwood
Updated over a month ago
  1. Formatting Mark-Ups:

    When you are creating Rattle notifications, using text mark-ups is a great way to make certain parts of the message stand out. For example:

    Surrounding part of your message with the * character will result in the words between the asterisks being bolded.


Check out this Slack help article for more mark-up formatting options!

2. Tagging an individual not related to the SFDC record in your opening text:

If you want to notify an individual via the opening text of an alert, but they are not related directly to the SFDC record (ex: Finance or Legal team members) using the schema below you can tag them in your opening text!


For example:


3. Inserting Line Breaks:

You'll need to leverage a Slack formatting mark up to create line breaks in your opening text. Inserting "\n" will create a new line. "\n \n" creates a double return.

For Example:


Some other favorites:



Tag @here to alert the whole channel


Insert a link text instead of a URL

<URL|Link text>

Display text in italics


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